Thursday, 13 December 2007 Getting reluctant speakers to talk

Hi there!

Sorry it took so long for me to continue this series but sometimes the day job can be so flipping time-consuming ;-)

Today I want to present voki.

You and your students need:
  • a account
  • a computer with microphone
Click on the "play" button for a short presentation of voki!

Why not try it out!

Extended Task:

You can create a discussion using vokis by having students post vokis to forums (in Moodle for example) so that the next student responds with their own voki.

Monday, 29 October 2007

Google Docs - collaborative writing in language learning and teaching

Today's video shows you how to set up Google Docs and gives valuable ideas for using collaborative writing in language teaching.

Please leave a comment or take part in the survey on the right.

Happy writing,


Thursday, 20 September 2007

Mindmeister - mindmaps with team spirit

Here's the second video of the series.

This time I am looking at how we can integrate collaborative mindmapping into our foreign language lessons.

If you need a general overview about this visualisation technique I recommend this wikipedia article. As usual I am grateful if you leave suggestions and feedback in the comments sections.


Mindmapping on Wikipedia
Mindmeister Web Application
Original Video on Youtube

Saturday, 15 September 2007

Google Maps

Here's the first post with teaching-related content.

The video below will hopefully give you some useful ideas on how to integrate Google Maps in your language teaching. I am sure I have not covered all possibilities. So if you have a good idea or any suggestion at all, please post it in the comments. It'd be much appreciated.

Web 2.0 in foreign language teaching

Hello there,

welcome to Web 2.0 in foreign language teaching.

In the course of the next few weeks I will present some of the opportunities for integrating Web 2.0 applications into language lessons. I hope you will find this interesting and useful for your language teaching. Perhaps you have suggestions and better ideas than the ones presented? Please post them in the comments, so all can benefit.

All the best,

Stephan Rinke

PS: the video below is for all of you who want to know what web 2.0 is. You can also follow the link to the Wikipedia page on web 2.0